Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The meaning of Islamic New Year

Just yesterday we celebrated the Islamic new year, for those of you who celebrate. In the new year where I was warning of Islam is by holding a joint prayer. This event was held at the mosque after evening prayers. " Everyone has come to bring gifts of food. This food is then in dokan and eaten together. This is the spirit of kinship Islamic ummah. Sharing with others.

New Year 1432 H hijriyah fell yesterday on 07 December 2010. New Year hijriyah for the people of Islam is not merely a sign of early years in content with fun. New Year hijriyah for Muslims have a deep meaning, namely as a reflection of all the deeds we have done over one year ago. AH meaning comes from the word hijrah means to move from one location to another. that the purpose of moving here is moving from the dark into the light, moving from bad to good.

From these hijriyah meaning, let us increase the good deeds and getting away from the act which banned by religion. Because after all the lucky people are those who in this year better than the previous year.

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