Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hide your files from ignorant people

I want to share safety data on your trips. Maybe these tips are stale, but who knows you need it. Okey, just, tips this time is how to hide your personal files from people who like ignorant with your computer. This virtual world has many scattered special software to secure your files, but most of their products are licensed products alias paid. Tips that will I give to you are free tips and you are free to spread luaskannya.
The following tips:
=> First, Open your notepate in your pragram
then write the code below:
indonezian kunci folder
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Foldernya dah terkunci
goto End
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== rahasia goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Foldernya berhasil di buat
goto End

=> Red colored text above is a password to open the folder you if you replace it with a handsome then be turned into a handsome passwornya=> Then select File and then Save As, Change the Save as type to All Files=> In the filename extension *. bat you love for example (folder_kunci.bat) then save
.: How Next:.Double click on the file before you save with the extension *. bat and going out in cmd.exe
you must write the password that you have submitted earlier and then press ENTER.After that there will be a folder named Locker nah you keep your personal files there.when I click back *. bat file that you saved earlier and type y then enter to lock and hide your folders again ...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bored with your computer display?

Computer is your true friend. Noon, afternoon, evening until the morning he was so loyal to accompany you. The problem that arises is possible you bored with your computer desktop look monotonous. If your Windows XP user you will be presented with the blue sky theme or classic mode.

Actually for the Windows XP theme problem could be solved with a variety of softweare offered on the internet. Call it windowblind, software that is serious about changing the appearance of visual style on windows is a lot of fascinating displays Visula Style. You are definitely interested in installing this software. In addition to the default default, windowsblind visula also provides many styles that can be downloaded on his homepage.

among its superiority provides many visual styles. Windowsblind also has one weakness. weaknesses which I feel is heavy computer when running the program. So the efficiency is less time on notice by the provider of this software. The conclusion of this software deserves for you to test, and I recommend a minimum prossesor your computer is dual core.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The meaning of Islamic New Year

Just yesterday we celebrated the Islamic new year, for those of you who celebrate. In the new year where I was warning of Islam is by holding a joint prayer. This event was held at the mosque after evening prayers. " Everyone has come to bring gifts of food. This food is then in dokan and eaten together. This is the spirit of kinship Islamic ummah. Sharing with others.

New Year 1432 H hijriyah fell yesterday on 07 December 2010. New Year hijriyah for the people of Islam is not merely a sign of early years in content with fun. New Year hijriyah for Muslims have a deep meaning, namely as a reflection of all the deeds we have done over one year ago. AH meaning comes from the word hijrah means to move from one location to another. that the purpose of moving here is moving from the dark into the light, moving from bad to good.

From these hijriyah meaning, let us increase the good deeds and getting away from the act which banned by religion. Because after all the lucky people are those who in this year better than the previous year.

Natural Beauty

For the majority of female physical beauty is everything. with the beauty of people can earn money easily. with the beauty of people will be the center of public attention. A man will clap their knees to the woman who was pretty captivating. But according to you, beautiful lady was like what?, What a beautiful woman is a woman who always wore heavy makeup, always wear expensive jewelry, wear imported clothes, or the descendants of the prominent women who have an abundance of treasures.

we live in this world is to seek happiness. including the search for a woman as a companion to live. Women are beautiful in my opinion is a woman who has a natural beauty. This beauty emanated not made up, but because of her own self. Natural beauty is owned by a pearl-clear-hearted woman. Not all women have a beauty like this. Indeed, although he did not use any makeup, do not use fancy clothes, no offspring of the rich He will still look beautiful with simplicity. Really happy a man who has wife like this.

a woman who has natural beauty is usually put forward the interests of husband and children. This woman will always look stunning in front of her husband. she would kiss the hands of her husband when they wanted to go to work. She will maintain her husband's estate when her husband was not at home. Beautiful world when the blessed a woman who truly beautiful and stunning physical beauty is also pretty good inside.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Reading Before Sleep

Remember you when your childhood. you can not sleep if you have not read fairy tales by your mother. Like something is missing when sleeping without the read fairy tales. It is your childhood, now you've grown it was time to read yourself.

do you read before bed can increase drowsiness hormone. True or not, this reality is really my own experience. every time I found it difficult to sleep I tried to read a book in college, and the result was 10 to 15 minutes my eyes began to dim, and without me knowing I was asleep. This is what I do every time insomnia, and this is the natural sleeping pills without side effects.

Reading before bed is not just for sleeping pills, but read before bed make the recitation of the books we read are not easily lost. Let's say tomorrow is the exam, the road that I travel is to learn just before we sleep and when i wake up a little review. the guarantee you will remember about what you read last night before bed, and you are able to do the problems with success.

Do not sleep in the morning

Since childhood, my grandmother and grandfather always scolded me when sleeping in the morning. My grandfather was a native of Java and believe in the things that the ancestral inheritance. My area is still thick with native Javanese culture. Back to the "do not sleep in the morning", that's the word I most remember from my grandparents. This word is not just a casual advice. These words contain a very deep meaning. allow me to translate it! Parents usually advised his "son, do not sleep the morning, the chicken will die" is also another version of "son, do not sleep in the morning, then the money you pegged chicken." what the terms are more or less: sleep in the morning will make us lazy, and this will result in our income. I think short sentence is enough to explain.

In addition to income away, sleeping in the morning also have adverse effects on health. people who often slept in the morning tends to grim-faced, in contrast to those who avoid sleeping in the morning they have a cheerful face. Most are also people who more often in the morning has a lot of diseases. The disease mostly come in the morning, call it scarlet fever. dengue fever spread by mosquitoes aides aigipty active in the morning. so no wonder if many people are exposed to this virus just because sleep in the morning.

until enough experience here that I can share with you, may be useful.

Smoking experience

Previously I was an anti-smoking. I know smoking after I graduated from high school and continues up to college. Rooms I can pertma times from my friends. initially interested and want to try, long addiction as well. togethers with my buddies do not complete if there is no cigarette. Cigarettes are tools that can break the ice. By smoke I can chat with my buddies all night long. Really potent substances contained in cigarettes, people who normally shy to talk to dare to express it, those who usually can not think to be able to think. amazing, that's about what I feel the benefits.

besides there is no benefit, it also brings the impact of smoking bad for my health. good impact on the financial or health of the body. when I smoke in a day I can buy a pack of cigarettes. just imagine the price of a pack of cigarettes is approximately one dollar, multiply by 30 days. After I calculate the amount was big enough for students who do not work like me. and this could swell the budget of my life.

impact is not less make me give up the cigarettes are decreasing my health. I smoked cigarettes since I often cough and headache. At first I was indifferent to this. But after walking a long time these health problems interfere with my daily activities, and inevitably I try to avoid cigarettes. and to this day I still try to stay away. not easy, people who are already addicted to stay away from cigarettes, but it's not impossible if there is intention and strong will.

I can only notice to you, do not ever try smoking. Stay away from cigarettes, before you regret in the future.

Weekend with the family

Every day people work hard, start early samapai afternoon. not infrequently they also come home late at night because of overtime to meet the demands of work. They work only for one purpose is to provide for their families and happy. However this is an option that must be taken. if the day without working of course it would be more fun, because they can get together and joke with the family sends you love. But this will not happen, because the world still needs what is called "money". yes, money is a tool to make ends meet. At least that is the assumption of most people. To get the money people will work as hard as possible.

for nearly a week we work, it's time to have fun with your family. given that freedom is special to them, making out with his wife, playing and joking with the kids. For those of you who are lazy weekends out of the house, you can gather with family to organize events to their liking, such as: cooking together, cleaning houses, washing cars and others. If you are working with together you will get a different atmosphere and of course fun. Rare people who can do this, they charge the average to their maids.

The second way is to go out, take your family out for those of you who like to travel. travel together with you will get joy, joy, and valuable experience. you can visit the museum or the zoo. because this place can eliminate the feeling of saturation in our brain after nearly a week of work. you will feel relaxed life that will help maintain your health. in fact people who often spend the weekend with the family have good health of the people are never at all.

Tips for buying a Laptop or PC

Before I begin, I want to ask something to you. whether you are a student? or you're a designer? or you are an employee of the office?. this question only as an opening course you do not need to take it seriously. Questions as your reminder, if a computer is so important in helping you get the job done.
If you do not have a home computer or laptop, and the work you really need this tool you will be required to immediately buy it. then what if you are a less megetahui hardweare parts of the computer?, of course you will find it hard to choose a computer that fits your needs. to avoid this, I give you the following tips:

first) Ask your friend who knows more about computers and the specifications, you are my friend pick out what kind of computer, what kind of processor and other components regarding to your needs and do not deviate from your budget to prepare. 

second) if you has no friends who were invited to go, you simply just ask your friend what kind of computer is suitable for my needs. This will provide for your consideration. 
Third) Go to internet cafes, and look iformasi a full picture of computer and the specifications, including price. know the market price is very important, because by knowing the market price you can find a cheaper shop via the internet, magazines or newspapers.
 fourth) after you asked for consideration of your friends, now it's time to go to the store computer. talk to the seller, and ask about what kind of computer is suitable for meets these demands. seller will provide advice to suit your needs and budget. then ask the price and compare with other stores.

Complete list of restaurants at your fingertips

appropriate title above, convenience offered by DiningFever very enticing. what does not, the whole list of restaurants that exist in America described with complete and detailed by this site. if you are super busy, you can order food that you like with just one touch of a finger. This site presents a list of restaurants and whatever is on the menu. so when you want Chinese food, Italian or French you simply access the site without having to go out looking for a restaurant that serves dishes such. not only display the menu of food alone, this site also displays the full address and the restaurant is complete with a digital map. indeed the ease with which satisfactory, you no longer need to go in circles around the city just to find a restaurant alone. because with the digital map you will be guided to your destination restaurant.

if you do not have time to eat at the restaurant you can also order your favorite food through this site. This service also provides weekly news, subscription is also quite easy way .. you just enter your email address. after you have registered you will periodically receive your inbox that contains the latest menu from the restaurant of your favorite restaurants.

thanks, hopefully useful ...

Portable computers are replacing desktop computers

in an era of sophisticated, the need for desktop computers start withdrawing by the presence of folding computers (portable computers / laptops). just look at the laptop market many products on offer, ranging from low-to-the-art specifications were observed. the provider provides for various circles. such as students, office workers, businessmen, traders, even for children are also provided.

but sales of laptops is not without obstacles. traditional thinking that assumes that the desktop computer more powerful than the portable computer is removed from the community difficult. many weaknesses found on a laptop, among them: easily damaged, hardweare prices are relatively more expensive, and use the battery must be with caution. indeed in modern times people are required to work more quickly, so the use of laptops is favored by the people, this is the factor which will cause the increasing of the need for the use of laptops by the people. above weaknesses will not change the need.

to avoid excessive work on the laptop, I recommend that you also need to have a desktop computer at home. because it is important to keep the age of laptops that we have. with a desktop computer you can work as you like without worrying about will be destroyed. desktop computers more powerful and robust than a laptop, so you only need to use a laptop when out of the house alone.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

NULL The electric and super-compact design car

The electric and super-compact design car of the future, beautiful and futuristic design by Jeongche Yoon. This is the Null, a mobile widget concept for next generation EV (Electric Vehicle) has been designed as solution to save energy and space. Inspired by smart phone industry based on the open-source marketing of app store, this is more like hardware that you put on your car to make it do more.

This is exciting new opportunities for automobile industry to establish a clean and creative design for the future society.
